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Age of WB

Of portents, prophecies and signs, this turning brings us many things, and those who face them all will find, Rewards to match the garb of kings

Why ?

Defeating 12 world bosses will award a legendary mantle of your choice among 4 depending on the character archetype.

mantle mage

mantle priest

mantle rogue

mantle soldier

Additionally, upon defeating the first World Boss each month, the character will receive a Portent Relic. This relic can be exchanged with the vendor Moralia Vayne [Keepper of Portent Relics] in Old Tarantia [ x846;y487 ] for a non-offensive companion representing a World Boss or a Slayer’s Cache of the Portents containing random rewards (companion, epic gear, potions, etc.).

How ?

The world boss can be done in a loop because once dead on an instance he will reappear around 45 minutes, always being announced 5 minutes before by summoners. It is strongly recommended to change instances when possible to make the most of it.

Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Défenseur de l'Hyboria

To be sure to defeat him and validate the quest, press WB until you get the defender of hyboria buff. Keep this buff until the WB dies and ideally stay alive.

To get the the twelve portents quest, go to Old Tarantia. The Astromancer located on the steps of the library will give you the quest. Otherwise just type the WB and the quest will be given automatically. Please note that the validation of the world boss is only done once a month for the character. Understand by this that if you return the quest and take it back to defeat it again in the same month, the validation will not be done! So check where the quest is BEFORE going to defeat the world boss!

When ?

world bosses usually appear from the first Wednesday for a week EXCEPT December, it starts on Wednesday just before Christmas. This feature means that depending on the calendar, the world boss weeks of December and January can be linked.

Check the Age of Conan Events Calendar for dates when different world bosses appear.

January : The King of Winter

The Winter King spreads cold and fear, among his snowy mountain home.

Representation of King of Winter
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Le Roi de l’Hiver

Spawn Points

  • At Conall's Valley [ 1430:770 ], at Leap of Faith.
  • At Conall's Valley [ 820:1040 ], Yeti Plateau.
  • In Atzel Approach [ 800:460 ], above the Hall of Eternal Frost.
  • At Atzel Approach [ 530:590 ], close to Magnus.

Further information

Summoner ymirishherald.


  • Call of Winter grants the Grip of Winter debuff which locks a player in an icy prison for 29.5 seconds.
  • Ice Strikes on an aggro player he can't reach.
  • Mighty Sweep knocks back multiple players in front of him.
  • Pulverize centered on the aggro carrier.


  • White damages non-critical blunt damage.
  • Grip of Winter non-critical cold damages.
  • Ice Strikes non-critical cold damages.
  • Mighty Sweep non-critical blunt damage.
  • Pulverize non-critical blunt damage.


  • Grip of Winter encases a player in an icy prison. The character will be instantly killed if they are not freed within the 29.5 second debuff. The player can be freed by hitting the Shard of Winter that encases them.
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Emprise de l'hiver
Icon_of [object Object] (48x48)
Emprise de l'hiver
Icon_of [object Object] (32x32)
Emprise de l'hiver

February : Obsidian Basilisk

And in the narrow streets and ways, death stalks with claws of ebony...

Representation of Obsidian Basilisk
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Le Basilic d’Obsidienne

Spawn Points

  • Northern Grasslands [ 810:1196 ], at Hole resurrection pad.
  • Northern Grasslands [ 937:1415 ], at the bridge leading to Kara Korum.
  • Northern Grasslands [ 1350:750 ], at the Red Cliff to the east.
  • Chosain Province [ 457:1344 ], close to the town of Gun Hai.
  • Chosain Province [ 678:1403 ], at the Scholars of Cheng-ho tower.

Further information

Summoner legendary beast hunter.


  • Stomp : Knocks back any player standing around the boss.
  • Tail swipe : Knocks back any player that comes within range of its tail.
  • Obsidian Gaze : Petrify any player standing in the cast cone.
    • Priests can depetrify by casting steadfast faith (SF) on one or more petrified characters.
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Ruine pétrifiante
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Foi inébranlable


  • Stomp : From 1 to 3 200 points of damages. If the player is petrified while stomp, they are killed instantly.
  • Tail swipe : From 900 to 2 600 points of damages.
  • White damages : From 850 to 2 700 points of damages.
  • Obsidian Gaze : None.


  • None.

March : Dust Fiend

While Oldblood seeks and finds and slays, amongst a southern, sand dune sea.

Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Le Fiélon de poussière

Spawn Points

  • Dragons Spine [ 900:648 ], close to otherworldly junction (T5) and palace of cetriss (T6).

Further information

Summoner fire servant herald which revolves around the star-shaped chasm. Attention, it has the power of knock back 😉.


  • Swirling Sands : spawns shifting squalls of sand that knock back any players in it.
  • Earth embrace[^translation] :
  • Curse of the Plagued Heart[^translation] :
  • Quicksand: pops an AoE at the feet of the boss. Any player standing there suffers the quicksand debuff for 2.5 seconds which causes:
    • +70% movement restriction
    • 400 to 500 slash damage every 0.5 seconds for 3 seconds.
  • Sandstorm: players near the boss are affected for 15 seconds by the sandstorm debuff which causes:
    • +50% miss chance
    • +0.5% cast failure chance
    • 200 to 300 slashing damage every 2 seconds.


  • Swirling Sands : Edged damage, from 500 to 5 500 points of damage.
  • White damages : Edged damage, from 450 to 3 300 points of damages.
  • Earth embrace[^translation] : Edged damage, from 150 to 300 points of damages.
  • Curse of the Plagued Heart[^translation] : Unholy damage, from 200 to 350 points of damage.
  • Sandstorm : Edged damage, from 1 to 300 points of damage.


  • Don't wait too long to get the defender of hyboria buff, as it is common for it to be OS. The OS is easy, because in this area the sand will sometimes bubble up under a player's feet, warning them of the imminent arrival of a sandworm that will come out of the sand with its mouth open, devouring the reckless players or WBs.
  • Must have the secret of the dragon’s spines DLC.

[^translation] : Translation uncertain.

April : The Thrice Drowned

And where the rivers meet and flow, The Thrice Drowned wake to seek revenge...

Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
La trois fois noyée

Spawn Points

  • Thunder River [ 500:1300 ], small island to the west.
  • Thunder River [ 1000:570 ], at the wilderness, near the start of the Southwest Run achievement.
  • Thunder River [ 1310:1650 ], after the bridge to the graveyard.

Further information

Summoner follower of the Deep.


  • What is dead never really dies[^translation] : Adds a damage deflection shield and retributive damage to the crab for 15s.
  • Geyser[^translation] : Ranged anti-kiting attack.
  • Curse of the Drowned God : Frontal cone giving a debuff on players of -30% invulnerability to physical damage.
  • Reaper Beam : The boss turns on itself 180° during the cast.


  • What is dead never really dies[^translation] :
  • Geyser[^translation] : From 2 700 to 3 600 points of cold damage.
  • Curse of the Drowned God : From 1 to 3 400 points of cold damage.
  • Reaper Beam : From 2 500 to 6 600 points of holy damage.


  • None.

[^translation] : Translation uncertain.

May : Ice Worm

And the Wyrm that is your oldest foe, returns to battle once again.

Representation of the Ice Worm
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Le Ver des glaces

Spawn Points

  • Eiglophian Mountains [ 310:1200 ], in the entrance hall of the Vile Nativity.
  • Eiglophian Mountains [ 640:1160 ], in front of the entrance to Yakhmar Cave.
  • Ymir's Pass [ 1190:730 ], in front of the entrance to the Amphitheater of Karutonia.
  • Ymir's Pass [ 960:1300 ], to the Champion of Ymir at the Temple of Ymir.

Further information

Summoner vanir miner.


  • Call of the Brood: Summons iceworm broodlings on random players. The level of the worms adapts to the level of the player on which they appear. In addition, they only cause white damage to the target.
  • Frost Slam : Large AoE that knocks back nearby players.
  • Frost Spit : Only on players he cannot reach with melee hits.
  • Devouring Hunger[^translation] : The Ice Worm randomly buffs several players with devouring hunger[^translation] (the icon is identical to that of the world boss) causing the snow to tremble at the feet of the affected character, a worm ends up emerging from the snow, mouth open, to swallow it in one bite. To avoid this, use the active blocking” by pressing continues until the disappearance of the buff. By default, active block is on the X button. Ah yes, one last thing about active block, it only works if your weapons are out 😄.


  • Brood Call : This spell does not directly cause damage, it is the iceworm broodlings summoned by the cast that do.
  • Frost Slam : From 500 to 4 500 points of non-critical cold damage.
  • Frost Spit : From 1 to 5 300 points of non-critical cold damage.
  • White damages : From 350 to 2 000 points of non-critical blunt damage.
  • Devouring Hunger : From 17 800 to 86 000 points of non-critical damage.


  • None.

[^translation] : Translation uncertain.

June : Spawn of Nergal

Then Nergal’s spawn reviled and lost, comes to haunt the southern shore...

Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Le Rejeton de Nergal
Representation of the Spawn of Nergal

Spawn Points

  • Ardashir Coast [ 775:840 ], on the island to the north.
  • Ardashir Coast [ 660:450 ], near the logging camp.

Further information

Summoner arch lector.


  • Sonic Barrage : Each character receives a lightning bolt.
  • Screech of Fury : Is cast when the aggro carrier is far from the boss.
  • Sonic Ripple : Knocks nearby players back by affecting them with a debuff of the same name causing -15% electrical damage.
  • Devouring Parasite : Dot randomly given to a player.
  • Transmission[^translation] :


  • Sonic Barrage : From 1 to 1 500 points of non-critical electrical damage.
  • Screech of Fury : 3 000 to 4 000 points of non-critical electrical damage.
  • Sonic Ripple : From 1 to 2 700 points of non-critical electrical damage.
  • Devouring Parasite : From 1 to 1 300 points of non-critical poison damage.
  • Transmission : From 1 to 2 400 points of non-critical electrical damage.


[^translation] : Translation uncertain.

July : Leviathus Spawn

While the offspring of Leviathus, defiles the land and sky once more.

Representation of the Leviathus Spawn
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Le Rejeton de Leviathus

Spawn Points

  • Khopshef Province [ 490:230 ], at crossroads.
  • Khopshef Province [ 290:380 ], at the western ruins.
  • Khopshef Province [ 780:240 ], in the plain facing the Black Castle.
  • Khopshef Province [ 790:550 ], at the east of Caravanserai.
  • Dragon's Spine [ 560:970 ], at the Oasis.

Further information

Summoner umbra conclave agents.


  • To do


  • To do


  • None.

August : Black One Executioner

And men who read what Skelos wrote, will know what peril stalks the Isle...

Representation of the Black One Executioner
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Le bourreau des Ténébreux

Spawn Points

  • White Sands [ 690:590 ], up the steps to the Ancient Temple.

Further information

Summoner prisoner.


  • Execute : Kills target player if close.
  • Lightning Storm : Place a blue circle at the feet of a random player at the end of the cast.
  • Executioner’s Mark : The randomly targeted player receives the executioner's mark debuff for 10s, reducing their movement restriction by 20%.
  • Executioner’s Mask : Gives the Executioner's Mask buff on the boss giving him :
    • +50% damage reduction
    • +100% fatal hit chance
    • +1 000% damage multiplier
    • +60% movement restriction.
  • Black Lightning Strike : This cast is launched on the aggro bearer when he gets too far away to kite the boss.


  • Edged : For the white hits of the boss.
  • Electric : For the blue circle dropped by the spell lightning storm and black lightning strike.


  • None.

September : Remnant of the Lurker

And where the dead men rot and bloat, The Lurker rises, most reviled.

Representation of the Remnant of the Lurker
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Le Vestige du Rôdeur

Spawn Points

  • Fields of the Dead [ 560:1260 ], in the entrance hall of Crom's House.
  • Eiglophian Mountains [ 190:1280 ], in the entrance hall of the Vile Nativity.

Further information

Summoner memory of x.


  • Soul Eater : Affects nearby players and heals the boss.
  • Fragment of Reality : Spawns small replicas of the world boss (on random players) that move randomly until they explode and cause AoE damage.
  • Transcending Reality : The boss disappears into the ground for 20 seconds.
  • Life Siphon : Channeled spell, during this one, the boss causes unholy damage ticks.
  • Tendril of Despair : Spawns tentacles on a player, the tentacle hits another player in front of it.


  • Unholy : During the explosion of the fragment of reality, during the damage ticks of the spell siphon of life, during the spell soul eater.


  • None.

October : Dark Beast Alpha

Seekers search the untamed wild, to find the Queen of empires past...

Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
L’Alpha des créatures des ténèbres

Spawn Points

  • Wild Lands of Zelata [ 250:540 ], at the east of Tesso.
  • Thunder River [ 956:560 ], at the wilds, close to the start of the exploit races in the south-west.

Further information

Summoner strange flutist.


  • Armageddon[^translation] : ???
  • Frappe de l’ombre[^translation] : ???
  • Fureur[^translation] : ???
  • Griffes d’ombre[^translation] : ???
  • Rugissement des ténèbres[^translation] : ???


  • Armageddon[^translation] : Edged damage.
  • Frappe de l’ombre[^translation] : Edged damage.
  • Fureur[^translation] : ???
  • Griffes d’ombre[^translation] : Edged damage.
  • Rugissement des ténèbres[^translation] : Blunt damage.


  • None.

[^translation] : Translation uncertain.

November : Risen Inferno Lord

And searching where the ring is strongest, face the Lord of fire at last.

Representation of the Risen Inferno Lord
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Le Seigneur des enfers revenu à la vie

Spawn Points

  • Kheshatta [ 1125:865 ], at the East Ruins.
  • Kheshatta [ 1130:435 ], at the Caravan Raiders’ Hideout.
  • Kheshatta [ 700:180 ], au camp Ghanatan.
  • Kheshatta [ 260:640 ], at the Bat camp.

Further information

Summoner flame oracle.


  • Blazing Inferno : Targets a random player 3 times in a row with this cast giving them a 10 second debuff of the same name. All players around the debuff bearer take fire damage.
  • Spiraling Inferno : Boss-centric 360° Aoe.
  • Inferno Bolt : On the aggro carrier.
  • Incendiary : Targets a random player, affecting them with a debuff that explodes after 6 seconds, dealing damage to all players around them within 5 meters.
  • Flame Strike : Ranged attack.


  • Fire : For all casts.


  • None.

December : Black Dragon

Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Le Dragon Noir

Black wings shall mark the passing year, with blood and shadows on the stone....

Representation of the Black Dragon

Spawn Points

  • Tarantia Noble District [ 880:730 ], over the bridge to King Conan's castle.
  • Tarantia Common District [ 480:940 ], at the top of the cliff, you have to climb the ladders….

Further information

Summoner dragon cultist.


  • Fireball : Only on the aggro carrier provided it is far from the boss.
  • Funeral Flames : Cone in front of him, the dragon does not move during the cast.
  • Dark Flames : Cone in front of him.
  • Shockwave : Knockback AoE.


  • Fireball : Fire damage, from 4 500 to 5 000 points.
  • White damages : Blunt damage, from 800 to 3 000 points.
  • Funeral Flames : Fire damage, from 2 900 to 12 600 points.
  • Dark Flames : Fire damage, from 1 100 to 7 600 points.
  • Shockwave : Blunt damage, from 300 to 2 200 points.


  • None.

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