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Age of DLC

Because once your character is level 80, you will only have seen 50% of the game !

available packs


Age of Conan: Hyborian Conqueror Collection (the 4 DLCs of the game)








Age of Conan: Unchained - Ultimate Level 80 Bundle






*A non-Steam version is a version of the game downloaded directly from **A Steam version is a version of the game downloaded via the Steam©

package details Age of Conan : Hyborian Conqueror Collection (the 4 DLCs of the game)

Expansion packs which offer to extend the gaming experience with 4 DLCs. This pack includes :

  • Rise of the Godslayer, discover the dark secrets of Khitai ! Based on the repercussions of the short story The Elephant Tower, Rise of the Godslayer explores the vast reaches of the Khitan Empire, filled with powerful magic and long-buried ancestral mysteries. This expansion includes :
    • 4 new areas of adventures in Khitaï (The Northern Grasslands, The Province of Chosain, The Paikang and Kara korum)
    • 12 different factions offering fabulous rewards
    • 3 solo dungeons (The Breach, The Forgotten City and Refuge of the Apostate) and 14 group dungeons
    • The Jade Citadel, grade 4 raid dungeon (T4)
  • The Savage Coast of Turan, the coastal city of Ardashir faces a terrible power struggle. Explore a land where pirates and thieves reign supreme, inspired by Iron Chimeras in Moonlight. Who can you trust but yourself and your trusty sword ? This adventure pack includes :
    • The Coast of Ardashir, new game area from level 50 to 55
    • 2 solo dungeons of maximum level (Island of Iron Statues and Dead Man's Hand)
    • Ardashir Fort, a level 80 group dungeon
    • The Temple of Erlik, grade 3.5 raid dungeon (T3.5)
  • The Dragon's Spine, in the middle of a vast ocean of dunes extending southwest from Pteion, a small verdant oasis is nestled in the shadow of the mountains. This region, known as the Dragon's Spine, is teeming with strange and evil life. What ancient secrets are buried under the sand ? This adventure pack includes :
    • The Dragon's Spine play area, for level 80
    • The Sepulcher of the Worm, level 80 group dungeon
    • The Coils of Ubah Kan, level 80 group dungeon
    • The Slithering Chaos, level 80 group dungeon
    • The Unchained Raids : Tier 5 Raid Boss (T5)
    • The Palace of Cetriss, grade 6 raid dungeon (T6)
  • The Shadow of Vanaheim, a formidable army of Vanir under the command of the terrible Thegn Heimdall gathers near the Cimmerian border. Travel to the wild Blue Mountains, far to the north, on an adventure that will take you deep into the snow-capped tundras of Vanaheim ! This scenario pack includes :
    • 4 small group instances whose level changes according to yours (level 20+)
    • Daily changing Dynamic Quests
    • A new faction and rewards
    • A new mount and new ceremonial items
La monture ours blanc dans la nuit

bundle details Age of Conan : Unchained - Ultimate Level 80 Bundle

Age of Conan - Ultimate Level 80 Bundle which offer to create a character directly at level 80 (the option is activated at the very end of the creation of your character). In addition to the level 80 character, the packs include :

  • The combos and maximum rank spells for the character,
    • Obtainable against 960pts in funcom store
  • A complete set of level 3 equipment (T3),
    • Obtainable against 7,200pts in the funcom store
  • An inventory bag of 216 slots (of course it comes empty :D),
    • Obtainable against 3,600pts in the funcom store
  • A resource bag of 102 slots (of course it comes empty :D),
    • Obtainable against 800pts in funcom store
    • The Thoroughbred Tarpan Stallion mount,
      • Obtainable against 960pts in funcom store
  • Full training permits for the mount,
    • Obtainable against 2,750pts in the funcom store
  • 4 royal treasure chests,
    • Get 1,800pts in the funcom store (4 purchases of a single royal treasure chest)
  • An additional skill specialization,
    • Obtainable against 840pts in funcom store
  • 100 expertise points
    • Obtainable against 25,500pts in the funcom store (4 purchases of a pack of 25 expertise points)
  • 20 Teleport Coins
    • Obtainable for 1,080pts in the funcom store (2 purchases of a pack of 10 teleport coins)

To compare, the in game cost of such a pack is 45,490 funcom points ! That is ~$416,27 for the purchase of the required points (3 packs of 12,000pts + 1 pack of 6,000pts + 1 pack of 2,400pts and 1 pack of 1,200pts).

Note that a pack Ultimate level 80 character exists in the shop for 12,000 funcom points or ~$110 for the purchase of the required points.

Illustration du pack personnage ultime

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