image_by Funcom

Age of Mounts

Choosing your mount or completing your collection of mounts


Except for the horse Royal War Steed and the spider Shadow of Zath, all mounts require the purchase of a permit.

4 riding training are available in the game:

  1. Basic Riding Training, it allows the use of basic mounts,
    • Also provides the Mount Ability: Quick Dismount ability.
  2. Advanced Riding Training, enables galloping on fast horses,
  3. Exotic Creature Handling, allows riding tigers and wolves,
  4. Prime Bear Training, allows parading on prime bears.

The last riding training is not available in the game; only the Funcom shop offers this permit by purchasing the Complete Riding Training which, as its name suggests, provides all the riding trainings in the game.

The various riding training permits


[Stable_master] :

  • Old_tarantia (x789; y471),
  • Conarch (x394; y434),
  • Khemi (x940; y1107).
  • Old_tarantia (x955; y640),
  • Conarch (x280; y525),
  • Khemi (x832; y1170).
Mounts > Basic_horse_riding_training
2 750 Funcom_points

  • Northen_grasslands : (x1208; y1390),
  • Chosain_Province : (x680; y122).

The Mount Ability: Quick Dismount

This ability allows, as its name suggests, to quickly dismount from your mount, even while moving! Most mounts allow its use.

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Capacité de monture : Pied à terre rapide

This ability has a variable cooldown that depends on the archetype. Rogues will have a cooldown of 30 seconds while other archetypes will have a cooldown of 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

always faster, always further

It is possible to increase the speed and/or duration of running by using various objects.

  1. The Velocity buff increases movement speed by 6% outside of combat, This buff is given by the companion Fleet Cinder Fu Dog,
  2. The Rune Stone of the Royal Stables reduces stamina loss when sprinting on a mount,
  3. Various equipment can further increase the character's movement speed.
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Pierre runique des Écuries royales


The big advantage of spiders is their ability to reduce fall damage. Coupled with the Eiglophian Mountains mount rune, the fall damage reduction rises to +70%. This allows for the wildest jumps without dying.

Special abilities of spiders

  • -35 destabilization chance,
  • +40% resistance to fall damage,
  • -40% on the duration of the fall damage debuff,
  • Rears up when pressing the space bar,
  • The ability Mount Ability: Venomous Split.
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Capacité de monture : Crachat venimeux
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Capacité de monture : Crachat venimeux
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Capacité de monture : Crachat venimeux

Obtaining a Spider

They are mainly obtained through the Rewards of subscriptions in the in-game shop > Rewards button.

  1. The first one after 360 days of subscription.
  2. The second one starting from 1,080 days of subscription.

Other spiders may be offered during special events/chests or are purchasable via the merchant. The permit is obtained automatically by mounting a spider.

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This mount does not allow auto-binds or teleports, and sometimes, it's impossible to speak to a lying down or sitting NPC!

Special abilities of camels

  • -20 destabilization chance,
  • Spits when pressing the space bar.

Obtaining a Camel

  • A free slow camel once you reach 1,000 achievement points. Therefore, it is possible to have this camel right from character creation, but it can only be ridden after obtaining the Basic Riding Training permit.
  • A fast camel is available at the Reliquary of Old Tarantia (x837; y511) for 1 Rare Relic, 120 Simple Relics III, and 15 gold pieces.
  • Some camels are also available in the game's shop.
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Slow Horses

Age of Conan - Horse mountby CoLaN

Special abilities of slow horses

These mounts have the particularity of offering various dedicated abilities such as:

  • -20 destabilization chance. Note that the Cold Flame Nightmare offers -50 destabilization chance,
  • Mounted charge,
  • Trample,
  • Kick,
  • Equestrian dance,
  • Equestrian salute.
  • Rears up when pressing the space bar.
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Capacité de monture : Ruade
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Capacité de monture : Charge à cheval
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Capacité de monture : Piétinement
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Capacité de monture : Danse équestre
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Capacité de monture : Salut équestre

Obtaining a Slow Horse

They are available starting at level 40. To obtain one, you need to visit:

  • The Stable Master in one of the main cities of the game:
    • Old Tarantia (x789; y471),
    • Conarch (👨94; y434),
    • Khemi (x940; y1107).
  • The Gilding Vendor [Social Items]:
    • Old Tarantia (x969; y594),
    • Khemi (x820; y1124),
    • Conarch (x225; y467).
  • The Northern Grasslands (x451; y1406) when you reach rank 4 in the Hyrkanians faction,
  • In-game shop rewards once you have at least 540 days of subscription to obtain the Cold Flame Nightmare,
  • In the in-game shop, through the first two leveling boxes (level 5 and 20).

The cost is 75 silver coins for the horse + 25 silver coins for the Basic Riding Training permit.

Apart from achievements, not many people use them anymore because they are too expensive/slow.

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Fast Horses

They are only available at level 80. The cost starts from 50 gold coins (up to 200 gold coins, excluding merchant).

Tainted Souls Epic Horse Race Around the World! (1.04.x)by h4mi82

Special abilities of fast horses

These mounts have the particularity of offering various dedicated abilities such as:

  • from -25 to -50 destabilization chance,
  • +590 protection (Tarpani Stallion only)
  • Mounted charge,
  • Trample,
  • Kick,
  • Equestrian dance,
  • Equestrian salute.
  • Rears up when pressing the space bar.
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Capacité de monture : Ruade
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Capacité de monture : Charge à cheval
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Capacité de monture : Piétinement
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Capacité de monture : Danse équestre
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Capacité de monture : Salut équestre

Obtaining a Fast Horse

To ride them, you will need to obtain:

  • The Basic Riding Training permit (25 silver coins),
  • The Advanced Riding Training permit (50 gold coins).

Totaling 100 gold coins, 25 silver coins (for the cheaper horses!)

To obtain the horse, you need to go to:

  • The Stable Master in one of the main cities of the game:
    • Old Tarantia (x789; y471),
    • Conarch (👨94; y434),
    • Khemi (x940; y1107).
  • The Gilding Vendor [Social Items] at:
    • Old Tarantia (x969; y594),
    • Khemi (x820; y1124),
    • Conarch (x225; y467),
  • The Northern Grasslands (x451; y1406) when you reach rank 4 in the Hyrkanians faction,
  • in the Rewards of the in-game shop once you have at least 60 days of subscription to obtain the Royal War Steed. It has the particularity of not requiring a permit and can be mounted as soon as you enter Tortage with a new character. A true King/Queen in Tortage!
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There is only one lion mount! It was given away during the 10th anniversary of Age of Conan.

Age of Conan - 10th Anniversary Golden Lion of Aquilonia mountby Kurgan Nazzir

Special abilities of lions

  • -35 destabilization chance,
  • Roars when pressing the space bar.

Obtaining a lion

The lion was obtainable during a specific event. Funcom may add it again, someday…

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Among the most coveted mounts, the wolf is obtained by leveling the Wolves of the Steppes faction in Khitai (level 80) (Get the Rise of the Godslayer expansion). It grows as an offensive companion through the faction's quests until it becomes a true mount according to the player's will (or not).

Age of Conan - Wolf Mount [HD]by AoCrom

Special abilities of wolves

  • -35 destabilization chance,
  • The Mount Ability: Terrifying Howl, which reveals nearby stealthed characters,
  • Howls when pressing the space bar.
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Hurlement terrifiant

Obtaining a wolf

Although obtained through quests, this mount is not free; you will need to acquire:

  • The Basic Riding Training permit (25 silver coins),
  • The Advanced Riding Training permit (50 gold coins),
  • A Horsehair Blanket (800 marks of consideration and 10 gold coins),
  • The Exotic Creature Handling permit (300 marks of consideration and 20 gold coins).

Totaling 80 gold coins, 25 silver coins, and 1,100 marks of consideration.

Vendors offer the wolf:

  • Contraption Merchant:
    • Khemi (x981; y1195),
    • Conarch (x228; y567),
    • Old Tarantia (x997; 680).
  • Gilding Vendor [Social Items]:
    • Old Tarantia (x969; y594),
    • Khemi (x820; y1124),
    • Conarch (x225; y467).
  • Clerk [Faction Weapons and Accessories] in the Coast of Ardashir (Get the The Savage Cost of Turan expansion) (x408; y649), you will have to pay 500 marks of consideration, 200 rare trophies, and 5 gold coins.
  • Ciaran the Kennel Master at The Pit Master's Arena (via the Field of the Dead x238; y560).
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Riding through the wild lands atop this imposing mount can be a dream the first time one sets eyes on such a creature. The reality is quite different… You cannot use this type of mount anywhere, as it is considered a siege mount! The mammoth remains appreciated in PvP sieges for attacking walls, providing increased health to the character.

Age of Conan - Winter 2019: Risen Mammoth Mountby DawnBatKMT

Special abilities of mammoths

  • +1,900 health,
  • -40 destabilization chance
  • Trumpets when pressing the space bar.

Obtaining a mammoth

  • Vendor Wolf Pict Envoy :
    • Old Tarantia (x969; y594),
    • Khemi (x981; y1195),
    • Conarch (x228; y567).
  • Gilding Vendor [Social Items] :
    • Old Tarantia (x969; y594),
    • Khemi (x820; y1124),
    • Conarch (x225; y467).
  • Ciaran the Kennel Master at The Pit Master's Arena (near Field of the Dead x238; y560).
  • In the in-game shop.
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  • Slow bears
  • Fast bears

Special abilities of bears

  • -100 destabilization chance,
  • +100% resistance to stunning,
  • +100% resistance to pinning,
  • +100% resistance to knockdown.
  • Growls when pressing the space bar.

Obtaining a bear

  • Vendor Hammond the Bear Tamer (👨86; y634) in Conarch.
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Special abilities of panthers

  • -35 destabilization chance,
  • Roars when pressing the space bar.

Obtaining a panther

Panther was obtainable during a specific event. Funcom may add it again, someday…


Age of Conan mammouth et rhinocérosby tigerdrix

Riding through the wild lands atop this imposing mount can be a dream the first time one sets eyes on such a creature. The reality is quite different… You cannot use this type of mount anywhere, as it is considered a siege mount! The rhinoceros remains appreciated in PvP sieges for attacking walls, providing increased health to the character.

Special abilities of rhinoceroses

  • +1,900 health,
  • -40 destabilization chance,
  • Appears to charge when pressing the space bar.

Obtaining a rhinoceros

Rhinoceroses are available from vendors:

  • Wolf Pict Envoy:
    • Old Tarantia (x969; y594),
    • Khemi (x981; y1195),
    • Conarch (x228; y567).
  • Gilding Vendor [Social Items]:
    • Old Tarantia (x969; y594),
    • Khemi (x820; y1124),
    • Conarch (x225; y467).
  • Clerk [Faction Weapons and Accessories] in the Coast of Ardashir (Get the The Savage Cost of Turan expansion) (x408; y649), requiring rank 4 in the Hand of Glory faction and 10 gold coins.

A killer rhinoceros can be purchased through this link.

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Special abilities of scorpions

  • +2 000 armor,
  • -35 destabilization chance,
  • Shows aggression when pressing the space bar,
  • Attacks with three tail swipes.

Obtaining a scorpion


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Among the most coveted mounts, the tiger is obtained by leveling the Tamarin's Tiger faction in Khitai (level 80) (Get the Rise of the Godslayer expansion). It grows as an offensive companion through the faction's quests until it becomes a true mount according to the player's will (or not).

Age Of Conan Tiger Timeby Malevolence 101

Special abilities of tigers

  • -35 destabilization chance,
  • The tiger from the Tamarin's Tiger faction (exclusive) has the ability to become invisible,
  • Roars when pressing the space bar.

Obtaining a tiger

Although obtained through quests, this mount is not free. You will need to acquire:

  • The Basic Riding Training permit (25 silver coins),
  • The Advanced Riding Training permit (50 gold coins),
  • A Horsehair Blanket (800 marks of consideration and 10 gold coins),
  • The Exotic Creature Handling permit (300 marks of consideration and 20 gold coins).

Totaling 80 gold coins, 25 silver coins, and 1,100 marks of consideration.

Vendors offer tigers:

  • Contraption Merchant:
    • Khemi (x981; y1195),
    • Conarch (x228; y567),
    • Old Tarantia (x997; 680).
  • Gilding Vendor [Social Items]:
    • Old Tarantia (x969; y594),
    • Khemi (x820; y1124),
    • Conarch (x225; y467).
  • Clerk [Faction Weapons and Accessories] in the Coast of Ardashir (Get the The Savage Cost of Turan expansion) (x408; y649), you will have to pay 500 marks of consideration, 200 rare trophies, and 5 gold coins,
  • Ciaran the Kennel Master at The Pit Master's Arena (near the Field of the Dead x238; y560).


Age Of Conan - Riding a Yothian War-Mareby Henryx - Age of Conan Channel
Age of Conan jument de guerre de yothby tigerdrix

Special abilities of yoths


Obtaining a yoth

  • Vendor Gilding Vendor [Social Items]:
    • Old Tarantia (x969; y594),
    • Khemi (x820; y1124),
    • Conarch (x225; y467).
  • In-game shop.
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🔗 The mount is invisible

This can happen after changing zones and can be fixed by dismounting/remounting your mount or by zooming in all the way and then zooming out.

🔗 The character is standing on the mount and it's not possible to dismount.

This bug occurs after a game crash. To dismount from your mount, you will need to:

  • Find deep water to jump into
  • Teleport
  • Die.

🔗 The mount trots instead of running

This bug seems to affect certain characters and not others. Simply turning the mount sharply during its trot will cause it to start running normally.

Several videos about mounts

Age of Conan : Unchained - The Mountsby DoctorPipi
Age of Conan: Unchained - How to get Tiger mount / companion from Tamarin's Tigers Part 1by Resyel Gaming
Age of Conan: Unchained - How to get Tiger mount / companion from Tamarin's Tigers Part 2by Resyel Gaming
Age of Conan - Mammoth mountby imissheardit
My fun with a horseby Dustinsrage
Age of Conan all 3 tiger cubs trickby Sun Zen

sources :

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