image_by TheBeke

Age of Emotes

to make the character perform fun actions


Emotes are attitudes played by your character that can be accompanied by various sounds.

Some emotes may offer a different action, chosen randomly. Likewise, the action may be different if it is performed from a male or female character.

Emotes will not be performed if the character:

  • has weapons drawn (for the vast majority of emotes)
  • is on horseback
  • falls/jumps/swims/charges
  • is seated (certain emotes can ONLY be activated if the character is seated)
  • is not connected 😄

access the list of in-game emotes

There are several native methods for obtaining a list of in-game emotes:

  1. For a restricted list of emotes, press / followed by a letter then press the TAB key, this will open a list of available emotes according to the chosen letter.
  2. To have the complete list of emotes you can also type /emote and press the TAB key twice.
  3. By pressing Y (by default), the emotes window will open to offer a non-exhaustive list of emotes. Some UIs offer a different view of this window.

list of emotes

emotes unavailable or disabled

Over time some emotes no longer work, for example, emotes suffixed with _f or _m no longer work. Likewise, some English emotes do not work in other in-game languages. Non-English emotes do not work in English.

Some videos about emotes

/drunkpiss, the emote everyone wants to see return

A mini-clip made with emotes

Another mini-clip made with emotes

Some emotes performed by a female character

Some emotes performed by a male character

Sources :

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