image_by Mithrionne

Age of TP

The different ways to teleport

teleports for veterans

They are only available to accounts with Veteran Tokens. The cost varies from eight to ten veteran tokens per unit.

obtain veteran teleports

They can be purchased from Quartermaster [Veteran Rewards]:

  • In Conarch (279.1 524.2 y 96.7 1000),
  • In Khemi (833.5 1169.9 and 163.4 3000),
  • In Old Tarantia (954.4 639.2 and 110.5 2000).

particularities of teleports for veterans

  • The time before reuse is one hour,
  • The time before reuse is linked between the different teleportation routes,
  • These paths are found in the Other tab and under the Paths tab of the Combos & and special abilities menu (keyboard shortcuts B, by default).
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Voie : Village de Conarch
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Voie : Khemi
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Voie : Tarantia-la-Vieille
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premium teleports

Available via the Premium teleports tab of the Playfield Access window by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + G. Their uses require Teleport coins, the sum of which is listed at the bottom left of the window.

obtain premium teleport coins

  • In the store tab Characters:
    • A token costs 60 Funcom points,
    • Five tokens cost 285 Funcom points,
    • Ten tokens cost 540 Funcom points,
    • Twenty-five tokens cost 1,275 Funcom Points,
  • Fifteen teleportation coins are offered each month in the Store > Rewards, provided you are a subscriber,
  • Three teleport coins are offered in Login Rewards.

particularities of premium teleports

  • No waiting time,
  • Allows you to be teleported in front of most dungeons in the game.
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Jeton de téléportation

teleports via exploit points

Available via the Access passes tab of the Access to game areas window by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + G. Their uses require in-game prerequisites.

obtain the right to teleport via achievement points

  • You will first need to reach 1,000 achievement points and have completed the quest The Battle of Tortage to have the right to teleport to the capitals,
  • By reaching 2,500 achievement points, all free teleports will be activated.

particularities of teleports via achievement points

  • A waiting period of 15 minutes before reuse.

the Path of Asura

The first teleport available in the game is unlocked at the start of the adventure.

obtain the Path of Asura

The character obtains it automatically from the first levels.

particularities of the Path of Asura

  • The arrival location resets with the [Asura Traveler] located in all adventure zones,
  • This path is found in the Abilities tab of the Comb0s & special abilities menu (keyboard shortcuts B, by default),
  • The teleport animation is yellow.
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Voie d'Asura

the Path of Ahriman

One second Path of Asura!

obtain the Path of Ahriman

Can be collected in store, subject to having an account with at least 180 days of subscription.

particularities of the Path of Ahriman

  • The arrival location is linked to that of the Path of Asura and is therefore reset with the [Asura Traveler] located in all adventure zones,
  • The waiting period before reuse is not linked to the Path of Asura,
  • This path is found in the Abilities tab of the Combos & special abilities menu (keyboard shortcuts B, by default),
  • The teleportation animation is red.
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Voie d'Arhiman

the Path of Comrades

The best way to quickly return to the guild village.

obtain the Path of Companions

Costing 1 gold coin, the Path of Comrades is sold to the guild village by an NPC located in the temple.

particularities of the Path of Comrades

  • The waiting time before reuse is linked to that of the Path of Asura,
  • No longer works if the character is no longer in a guild,
  • This path is found in the Abilities tab of the Combos & special abilities menu (keyboard shortcuts B, by default),
  • The teleport animation is yellow.
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Voie des compagnons

the Path: Pit Master's Arena

Allows, as its name suggests, to teleport to the Pit Master's arena.

obtain the Path: Pit Master's Arena

Purchased from Bradan the Antiquary [faction vendor] or Ailis the Collector [faction vendor] both located in the Pit Master's Arena for two gold coins.

particularities of the Path: Pit Master's Arena

  • The waiting time before reuse is linked to those of the same type,
  • If the character disconnects without using the door to exit, he will be returned to where he was before using this teleport,
  • This path is found in the Other tab and under the Paths tab of the Combos & special abilities menu (keyboard shortcuts B, by default).
Icon_of [object Object] (64x64)
Voie : Arène du maître de la fosse

the Totem of origins

It allows you to teleport to the capital of the character's ethnic group, either:

  • To Conarch for the Cimmerians,
  • In Khemi for the Stygians,
  • In Old Tarantia for the Aquilonians,
  • At the Trading Village located at the Khitaï gate for the Khitans.

obtain the Totem of origins

It is collected as loot from the last bosses of low-level dungeons.

particularities of the Totem of origins

  • A waiting period of 24 hours before reuse,
  • The character is teleported when you click on the origins totem,
  • The Totem of Origins is found in the character's inventory (keyboard shortcuts i by default).

Local traveler

A quick but expensive way to travel within a region. The higher the level of the zone in which the character is located, the more expensive the services of the local traveler. Prices range from 75 copper coins to 17 silver coins. Note that the traveler to Khitai is an exception, because it increases its prices depending on the character's level, offering a price of up to 22 silver coins and 50 copper coins for a level 80 character. It still offers a free trip subject to completing a quest.

Local traveler can be found in guild villages, allowing you to travel to Conarch Village, Khemi and Tarantia-the-Old, for 5 silver. Their presence in the guild village seems to depend on guild renown. When they are present, the traveler for Tarantia-the-Old is on the ground floor of the dungeon, and those for the village of Conarch and Khemi are in front of the counter. The Wagoner Route Map does not allow you to get close to one of them. In addition, you do not have to be in the guild to have the right to use them.

obtain a Wagoner Route Map

Next to each Local Traveler is a cartographer who sells a Wagoner Route Map for the small sum of 5 silver.

particularities of Wagoner Route Map

  • The map being a consumable it is better to take several with you,
  • The higher the levels of the area, the more expensive the services of local travelers will be,
  • The character must have his weapons stored and not be on his mount,
  • By default, a Wagoner Route Map has a 16 minute timeout before reuse. If, within this time, you use local travel services, teleport to another area or relog, this time is reset to zero,
  • You need to know the area well to know where the different places suggested by the local traveler are located,
  • Although there is a driver in Khopshef Province he offers to teleport to Lotus Swamp instead of the regional trip. Additionally, there are no card sellers in this area. If one attempts to use a card in this area, the card will be consumed without the character being brought near the cart driver,
  • Wagoner Route Map are found in the character's inventory (keyboard shortcuts i by default).


🔗 Unable to use teleports available via exploit points.

Check that you have at least 1,000 achievement points and that the Battle for Tortage quest has been completed.

🔗 Unable to use a card to the nearest cart driver.

The character must have his weapons put away and not be on his mount. If, despite this, the character refuses to use the card, then it is possible that he is in one of the rare areas in which this functionality is unavailable.

🔗 The store rewards do not offer me the fifteen teleportation tokens.

This means that your account is not subscribed or the subscription is not yet activated.

🔗 I cannot find the path of Asura, the path of Ahriman or the path of the Comrades.

Although they are paths, they are considered abilities.

🔗 The map to the nearest cart driver does not work in Khopshef Province.

The province of Khopshef does have its chariot driver, but he does not have the same role as everywhere else, in fact, he offers free access to the Purple Lotus Swamp. In addition, this area does not have a map seller.

sources :

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